Back to Basics

Whatever happened to getting to know people? It seems like we are so caught up in shoving knowledge down students' brains that we forget one of the most important essentials to learning, RELATIONSHIPS. Has education system labels become a detriment to the very reason we are in education? Let's get BACK TO THE BASICS.

Most schools have been in session for a week or more now, but it's never too late to make things right with students, to show them that you care, or that their state of being is most important in your classroom, school, program, or home. Be genuine, they know if you are not. Handle their minds, hearts, and spirits with great care (the whole child). A little theory... Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 

Every teacher is exposed to this in their teaching programs. Simply stated, these needs must be satisfied (starting from the base) for an individual to be receptive to any content (school content or work skill).  Once the basic needs are fulfilled the others will arise.

Not to be too theoretical, but it is important to understand individual needs when building relationships.

There are a lot of dynamics in classroom relationships. There are teacher : student, teacher:parent, teacher:teacher, teacher: principal, student:parent and student:student relationships that impact the classroom. All of these relationships work together for teaching and learning success.

Where to Begin?
We all know we can not control the actions of others; we only control our own. So start there!

  • Each day make a decision to be positive.
  • Greet all that you encounter (it will make you feel good and them as well)
  • When you ask someone how their day is, LISTEN! empathetically (with compassion and understanding)
  • When a student is not feeling well, provide support, resources (if available), or allow them to call home. Allow them to sit quietly in the back until there is resolve. They will not receive anything you have to offer if they are in a bad space (basic need).
  • Communicate with parents. Celebrate student victories and express areas for student improvement with resolve. 
The list is not extensive, but a starting point. This is a topic worth engaging. What do you have to say?


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