Course Reviews

Louisiana offers several options to give each student an opportunity to graduate. Currently, the state offers 2 diploma pathways. Students must decide on a path by the end of their sophomore year. Failure to do so could affect the student's graduation date. This is simply because students are required to take courses specific to their pathway. I know it seems like a lot and it is, but if you have real conversations with your child about their future, the decision is fairly easy and you will thank me for it later.

There are 2 pathways:  Jump Start TOPS Tech Career Diploma and TOPS University Diploma.
One major difference between the two is the option to attend a 4-year college. The TOPS University Diploma requires all courses (4 English, 4 Math 4 Science, 4 Social Studies, 1 Art, 2 Foreign Languages, 2 Physical Education, and 3 Electives) to attend a 4-year university such as LSU, ULL, Grambling, Southern, and etc.  The Jump Start diploma requires a career path (differs at every school District and may differ from every high school within a District). Students begin to take electives that are most appropriate for the career path they choose. These graduates will meet requirements to attend a community college. Students who graduate with a Jump Start Diploma will have to begin at a community college before moving onto a 4-year university.

Diploma Differences?
There is no difference in the high school diplomas. The Jump Start option is for students who may struggle academically or simply know what they want to do after high school. Also, the Jump Start pathway offers credentials. A student may receive initial certifications in welding, nursing assitant, Microsoft Office Suite, etc. These credentials allow students to go from high school immediately into a career.


  • Have a conversation with your child about their future.
  • Find out your child's diploma path.
  • Review the requirements for that path (click on the links above).
  • Ask questions
  • Be sure your child is on target for graduation and their future.


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