Measuring Up to the Wrong Metrics

As we guide young people to adulthood, I can't help but observe the behaviors and expectations on the journey. On this journey, there will be plains, plateaus, hills, valleys, and mountains of varying depths, heights, and distances. Each journey with different expectations. Each journey personal.

Now if we know all of this to be true or possible why do we set expectations for children on a path filled with plains and plateaus according to a path of hills and mountains. That makes no sense! We set them up for failure before their journey begins. I get it, there are a set of common expectations in life, those essential qualities, and skills we need as humans, but that's foundational. School systems, schools, and teachers are using one measurement for all students. Why?

Why do you, as school system leader, demand that schools perform according to only the state metrics? Celebrate growth no matter how small.

Why do you, as principal, evaluate teachers using a prescriptive rubric when they have different students and content? You know the rubric is not appropriate before you walk in certain classes, yet you still use it.

Why do you, as a teacher, measure a student's work by one right way? Is this the only way you know? Take a risk, be vulnerable with your students, you may learn something yourself.

Just as we use different units of measure based on the task, so we must with students. If educators measured students properly you will find more students would experience success instead of frustrations. Think about how frustrated you are when your evaluation is based on the wrong rubric. Give it a try, give students a chance, give yourself a chance! You know there is nothing more frustrating than using the same metrics for individuals who are in very different head spaces with different capabilities. Students will all reach the goal if you allow them to get there on their on course with support on their journey with a metrics that is most appropriate to give them feedback rather than a score.

How are you evaluating your efforts and the efforts of those you lead? Are you using the proper metrics?  Let's converse!


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