Background Knowledge

What is it, what is its impact and how can I build it for my students?

As I explore the streets of London at the ripe age of 45, I connect with topics I recall not understanding as a young girl. I finally made the connection! As an Educator, I always believed in the power of building background knowledge to give individuals a perspective on what they were about to learn. This gives them perspective and a connection. With a connection, the learning experience is different and more engaging because they now have something to reference. POWERFUL!

We must set the stage when introducing topics to students. We owe it to them to give them perspective, a connection that some will never have the opportunity to gain otherwise. With the use of technology, this is possible. Videos are great but won't work for every child. Virtual Reality, however, can place students in actual environments where they gain real perspectives on topics.

I've read stories of Paddington Bear many times but never knew he was from London. Now I want to read the stories again because I have a new perspective. And Shrek!, that took place in the UK as well! I mean really, after being in London, I want to watch the movie again. I have something to connect with. Lastly, Harry Potter!!!!! Any Harry Potter fan would have so appreciated being in London. There is even a museum. I didn't get to go visit it but I will begin watching the movies again.

Do you know how rich with knowledge our students would be if we were able to give them these opportunities!? Think about how you connect with people and events when you have a reference point. Profound! When watching a movie or reading a book of a place you visited you sit and think or say, I've been there, it really looks like that, or it really is like that because you have experienced it. There really is nothing like giving that gift to a child. While we may not be able to take them there physically, we can certainly get them there virtually. VR is an awesome resource to build background knowledge.

 Paddington Bear Display at the O2

 Shrek Adventure building


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