Broadening the Conversation, Expanding the Classroom

Learning is not limited to the confines of physical space. Therefore, I am broadening the conversation and expanding the classroom. Conversations will no longer be limited school talk. Let's converse about LEARNING! Learning is ubiquitous. It happens everywhere. If you are living you should be learning and if you are not, well you need to be evaluated.

Over the past few days, I have truly been rejuvenated as I held intercontinental discussions with diverse groups of professionals. The topics were authentic, the challenges were common, and the approaches to resolve were works in progress for all.

My take away from London was inclusivity. While the focus was on digital inclusion, the conversation took me to mental places that were dormant. Now I want to be sure that I "unforget" the individuals and topics that have somehow faded in the background. The fabric of life and the fullness thereof is in the uniqueness of those that are brave enough to open their hearts and minds to accept others who do not look or think like them.  EMPOWERING! I can't wait to bring more of that to the forefront.


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