Hey Little Black Girl

Hey Little Black Girl
I entered a food court behind a group of students.
As I come down the escalator,
I see this cute little black girl.
She is with the group, yet she is alone.  
I proceed to get my food and find a seat.
I sit and notice the same precious girl eating alone.
I glanced at her and smiled. She smiled back.

If I had the opportunity to speak with her,
here is what I would say.

Hey little black girl.
Do you know who you are?
You’re the rarest of gems,
The brightest of stars.

Hey little black girl.
Don’t sit alone.
Sit at the table and
Be the backbone
That you were meant to be
Like the heritage of black women
Since slavery.

Hey little black girl
Don’t be too shy
To lean in and
Project your voice
it can not be denied.

Hey little black girl
I just want you to know
You have a strong foundation
On which to grow.

Hey little black girl
I have one last thing to say,
You will become a
phenomenal woman
One day.


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