Embrace Yourself Little Black Girl

Those traits don’t define who you are within.

Embrace Yourself Little Black Girl

Inspired by: My niece, a kick-ass real estate agent!, who is contemplating her natural style.

Embrace yourself Little Black Girl
From your kinky hair to your chocolate skin.

Embrace your lips, your curves, your smile and style
Display them with confidence and a little flare
As others look and wonder about the source of radiance you bare.

Your gifts are uniquely crafted mysteries
Like pieces of a puzzle connected
Creating priceless art of your history.

Embrace yourself Little Black Girl
Your journey is not for everyone to understand
Your strength and power to continue on will not come from man

Look in the mirror and the girl you see
Embrace her! She holds the key
To a life of love and joy that only comes from within
Beneath the kinky hair and chocolate skin.

Embrace yourself Little Black Girl
You are a sight to behold!
Uniquely and wonderfully made
By a God whose love is worth more than silver and gold.


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